Tviter - Aston Vila gora od Šekspirove tragedije
Aston Vila je nastavila sa "tragičnim" partijama ove sezone i u meču protiv Čelsija, a to je navelo mnoge "tviteraše" da pokušaju da opišu kakvu godinu iza sebe ima klub iz Birmingema.

Povezane vesti
Mnogi se usuđuju da ovu sezonu Aston Vile uporede upravo sasezonom koju je Derbi Kautni imao te godine.
Watching Aston Villa is like watching an Under 11's match. Getting even the basics wrong. How can a team get in such a mess?
— Demetrios Christodou (@DeeNose) April 2, 2016
Not a single Aston Villa player interested...... simply embarrasing
— Craig Devon (@devonhpool) April 2, 2016
Za jedan renomirani tim iz Premijer lige, koji je u poslednjih pargodina pokazao pad u kvalitetu i formi, ovo je definitivno najgorasezona u istorji.
Aston villa truly are the worse performing team to grace the premier league
— Josh (@ImaNUFCfan) April 2, 2016
Aston Villa are one of the worst teams I've seen in the prem for a long time
— Michael Johnson (@MichaelJ1892) April 2, 2016
Njihov nastup tokom poraza od Čelsija, mogao bi da se smatrazakasnelom šalom za prvi april, makar po mišljenju navijača.
Aston Villa should run competition where they pick out 11 fans from crowd to play our games. At least they would show some heart. #AVLCHE
— Lance Jenkinson (@westsport) April 2, 2016
Aston Villa's performance is sadly comical at this point of time
— Raghav Sharma (@iRraghav) April 2, 2016
Aston Villa's performance this season are worse than a Shakespearean tragedy. Absolutely abysmal.
— Optimistic Gooner (@OptimistGooner_) April 2, 2016
Aston Villa is a reminder that, no matter how bad your club is, it could be worse. A lot worse.
— Joe Lago (@joelago) April 2, 2016
I've never hated a team as much as I hate this Aston Villa team.
— Chris Jameson (@Chrisjameson9) April 2, 2016
Love the club, hate the players.#avfc
Čak je i miljenik navijača Gabrijel Agbonlahor ove sezonerazočarao, a današnji meč sa ekipom sa "Stamford Bridža" jepropustio zbog istrage koja se sprovodi povodom njegovog ponašanjatokom odmora u Dubaiju.
Gabby Agbonlahor right now... #AVFC #CFC
— (@FootballFanCast) April 2, 2016
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