Evropa u suzama, poslednje zbogom Hose Antoniju Rejesu
Čuveni španski fudbaler danas je tragično preminuo u svojoj 35. godini.

Povezane vesti
Fudbaler koji je bio član čuvene Arsenalove generacije, koja je osvojila titulu 2004. godine bez poraza u Premijer ligi, poginuo je danas u saobraćajnoj nesrećni u svom rodnom gradu, Uteri.
Rejes je ostavio trag u srcima svih ljubitelja fudbala, ostaće upamćen kao sjajan fudbaler, koji je osvojio čak pet trofeja u Ligi Evrope.
Reakcije stižu iz svih krajeva sveta, od Rejesa su se oprostili njegovi bivši klubovi Sevilja, Atletiko Madrid, Benfika, Real Madrid i Arsenal, a saučešće njegovoj porodici izjavili su putem društvenih mreža i njegovi bivši saigrači Tijeri Anri, Serhio Ramos, Sesk Fabregas i Fredi Ljungberg.
We couldn't be confirming worse news. Beloved Sevilla star José Antonio Reyes has died in a traffic collision. Rest in peace. pic.twitter.com/qeGl2nsi3c
— Sevilla FC (@SevillaFC_ENG) 01. јун 2019.
FC Barcelona wishes to express their deepest condolences for the death of footballer José Antonio Reyes, a brilliant and charismatic player; one of the most outstanding figures and with a great trajectory in football. Rest in peace.
— FC Barcelona (@FCBarcelona) 01. јун 2019.
We're devastated to hear of the passing of our former player José Antonio Reyes. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
— SL Benfica (@slbenfica_en) 01. јун 2019.
Rest in peace, José. pic.twitter.com/ZXtSgqWrPA
Everyone at Arsenal is devastated by the shocking news that our former player Jose Antonio Reyes has died in a traffic collision in Spain.
— Arsenal FC (@Arsenal) 01. јун 2019.
Jose Antonio Reyes: 1983-2019
Rest in peace, Jose ❤️ pic.twitter.com/AT6rLFutvI
The Atlético de Madrid family is in mourning. Our former player José Antonio Reyes has passed away. You will forever be in our hearts. Rest in peace.
— Atlético de Madrid (@atletienglish) 01. јун 2019.
I’m devastated to hear the sad news about José Antonio Reyes. Wonderful player, superb team mate and exceptional human being. I wish his family and friends continued strength and courage to get through this difficult time. #takenfartoosoon
— Thierry Henry (@ThierryHenry) 01. јун 2019.
Roto. Destrozado. No tengo palabras. Todo el cariño a la familia. ¡Siempre te recordaremos, amigo! DEP hermano https://t.co/RKxTsdZlTl
— Sergio Ramos (@SergioRamos) 01. јун 2019.
Numbed by the news about my former team-mate, Jose Antonio Reyes. Gone far too soon, my thoughts are with his family and friends
— Freddie Ljungberg (@freddie) 01. јун 2019.
— Cesc Fàbregas Soler (@cesc4official) 01. јун 2019.
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