Šta se desilo sa Vardijem? Jedna teorija ima najviše smisla, izbegao je Linekerovu sudbinu
Lester je poražen na "Emirejtsu", a u finišu susreta Džejmi Vardi je napustio teren.

Povezane vesti
Bilo je 3:1 za "Tobdžije", a u finišu utakmice se dogodilo nešto zaista čudno.
Naime, Džejmi Vardi je pre poslednjeg sudijskog zvižduka napustio teren, iako Puel više nije imao pravo na zamenu, tačnije iskoristio je sve tri.
Sjurio se napadač "Lisica" ka tunelu i nestao.
Jedna teorija o tome šta se zaista desilo, ima najviše smisla.
Naime, veruje se da je Vardi napustio teren zbog "stomačnih problema", bolje rečeno žurilo mu se u ve-ce.
Jamie Vardy went staright to the tunnel. If he was tired, he would’ve been subbed, if he was injured, he would’ve been diagnosed. My theory: He had to poop 💩
— FG (@FunnyGooner) 22. октобар 2018.
Vardy has gone straight down the tunnel without being subbed pic.twitter.com/FRA5DortsY
— Urban Arsenal (@ArsenalUrban) 22. октобар 2018.
💩 Jamie Vardy's gotten so sick of this game, he's left to go for a sh*te...#ARSLEI pic.twitter.com/hUX6MHZibK
— The Sportsman (@TheSportsman) 22. октобар 2018.
Vardy has run straight down the tunnel whilst the ball is still in play. No sub, no stoppage, he has just gone.
— James Benge (@jamesbenge) 22. октобар 2018.
Leicester are out of subs - but Jamie Vardy has disappeared down the tunnel after a brief chat with Claude Puel
— Ladbrokes (@Ladbrokes) 22. октобар 2018.
Toilet break? 😆 pic.twitter.com/FZ2DiKc8TO
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